الأربعاء، 21 أكتوبر 2015

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4allpeople: Who is the ‪#‎terrorist‬ Quién es el ‪#‎terrorista...: Who is the ‪#‎terrorist‬ Quién es el ‪#‎terrorista‬ Wer ist der #Terrorist Chi è il #terrorista Кто ‪#‎террорист‬ מי הוא ‫#‏הטרור‬ ‪#‎Terö...

Who is the ‪#‎terrorist‬ Quién es el ‪#‎terrorista‬ Wer ist der #Terrorist Chi è il #terrorista Кто ‪#‎террорист‬ מי הוא ‫#‏הטרור‬ ‪#‎Terörist‬ kim

Super Size Me Full Movie 2015 - Documentary full movie 2015

الثلاثاء، 13 أكتوبر 2015

Why Muslims do not eat pork , Por qué los musulmanes no comen cerdo , Pourquoi les musulmans ne mangent pas de porc , Warum Muslime essen kein Schweinefleisch

من أجمل ما قراءت اليوم.

يوجد ترجمه للمنشور باللغه الانجليزيه والفرنسيه والأسبانيه والالمانيه والايطاليه والصينيه والهنديه والهولنديه والبرتغاليه..

شخص مجري ، زميلي في العمل سألني لماذا لا تأكل لحم الخنزير ؟ أكرمكم الله ، لماذا المسلمين لا يأكلون لحم الخنزير ؟ فطلب مني أن أشرح له سبب واحد علمي لا ديني،طلب مني أن يكون جوابا مُقنعاً إذا أستطيع !
فقلت لهُ أعطيني ساعه واحده و أعطيك الأجابه باللغه المجريه و تفسير السبب علميا !! باءذن الله فقمت بالبحث في الأنترنت و تصفحت الكتير من الصفحات العلميه الأنجليزيه و المجريه و العالميه !
و إذا بصدمة عن تقرير وجدته في موقع مجري !!!
المصدر هو الهيئه المجريه لمراقبة معايير الغذاء HVIA و كتب ما يلي بالإختصار المفيد عن لحم الخنزير !

* الخنزير يأكل الميته ( جيفه ) و لو كان أبوه .
* الخنزير يأكل كل شيء تقريباً : البول و حتى بوله الخاص ! و مخلفات الحيوانات الأخرى ، الأوساخ أن كانت مُبلله،جيف منتفخة يأكلها،النباتات الخامره و التبلة المُبلله.
* الخنزير نسبة سموم جسمه اكتر بي 30 مره من لحم الخروف.
* الخنزير لا يتعرق ! فاجلده كالأسفنج يمتص كل وسخ ! و تعتبر هذه كارثه في حد ذاتها.
* عند أكل لحم الخروف يستغرق من 6 الي 9 ساعات لهضمه حيت يقوم الكبد بامتصاص قدر ضئيل من السموم في وقت كبير، اما لحم الخنزير يستغرق من ساعة الي ساعتين و في هذا يكون الكبد مُغطى و غارق في السموم !
* الخنزير الذكر يتجانس مع أي دابه و لو كان ذكر !مما يجعله حامل للأمراض.
* بعد 3 ساعات من قتل الخنزير فقط تخرج الديدان من جسمه !
* توجد ديدان في جسم الخنزير لا تموت حتى بعد الطبخ أو الشوي !
* لحم الخنزير طبخه يستغرق 6 ساعات.لحم الخنزير لا يمكن شوائه حيث يستمر في الذوبان حتى يختفي ، و هذا شبيه بلحم الأنسان ،
* لحم الخنزير يستعمل في عمليات التجميل كبديل لجلد الأنسان،و من يقومون بمهنة التوشيم ( الوشم ) يقوم بالوشم علي جلد خنزير قبل جلد الزبون .
* يوجد دماء متخثره في راس الخنزير لانه المخلوق الوحيد الذي لا يرفع رأسه للأعلى .
* شعر الخنزير لا يزال إلا بالحرق ! الشوي !
* الخنزير لا يشم أكله قبل أن يأكله ! بل يُفرغ فظلات أنفه على الأكل إن كان نظيفاً ، ثم يأكله فقمت باءرسال هذا التقرير له مع مصدره إلى هذا الشخص و إذا به يمتنع عن أكل لحم الخنزير مُجدداً..... و إذا به هو أيضاً يقوم بنشر هذا التقرير في جميع الصفحات المجرية تحت عنوان لماذا لا يأكل المسلمون الخنزير ! إلى الأن وصلت نسبة المشاركه بالتقرير في الفيس بوك إلى 788 مُشاركه !!!! و الله اكبر....

هذا المنشور يناقش بطريقه علميه من هو ليس مُسلم ، أما نحن يكفينا نص القراءن..

رد على كل من طلب الرابط المجري الذي وجد فيه المعلومات عن الخنزير
هاهو الرابط http://www.gyakorikerdesek.hu/kultura-es-kozosseg__nepszoka…
أخوتي من النصارى والقله القليله جدا من المسلمين هاهو الرابط مثلما طلبتم بالضبط إلى كل من أتهمني من المسلمين بفبركة القصه وهم قله هل ساتقنعون الان بالقصه ألم يكفيكم قول الله تعالى ((حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةُ وَالْدَّمُ وَلَحْمُ الْخِنْزِيرِ)

نص التقرير الأصلي باللغه المجريه

1. A disznó egy valódi hulladékevő 
2. Bármit megeszik, beleértve a vizeletet, ürüléket, piszkot, rothadó állatok húsát, férgeket, korhadó növényeket 
3. Kieszik más disznók, vagy állatok rákos daganatait
4. A disznó húsa és zsírja, magába szívja a mérgeket akár a szivacs 
5. Az ő húsuk 30-szor mérgezőbb a marha és őzhúsnál 
6. Amikor a marhahúst és az őzhúst elfogyasztjuk, a hús emésztése 8-9 órába telik, kevés méreganyagot tartalmaz. Ezeket a méreganyagokat pedig, mihelyst a szervezetünkbe kerülnek, a máj leszűri. De amikor a disznóhús kerül elfogyasztásra, a húsának az emésztése csak 4 órába telik és ezáltal rövid időn belül magasabb szintű méreganyagok épülnek be a szervezetünkbe. 
7. Ellentétben más emlősökkel, a disznó nem izzad, és nem verítékezik. Az izzadás lényege hogy a méreganyagokat, kiszűrje, eltávolítsa a szervezetből. Mivel a disznó nem izzad, a méreganyagok a szervezetében maradnak és a húsában. 
8. A sertés annyira mérgező, hogy csak nehezen lehet méreggel megölni.
9. A farmerek gyakran terelik a disznókat a csörgőkígyó fészkébe, mert a disznók megeszik a kígyókat, és ha a kígyó megmarja őket a méreg semmilyen hatással nem lesz rájuk. 
10. Amikor a disznót megölik, a férgek és rovarok rettentő gyorsan megjelennek a húsán, sokkal gyorsabban, mint bármely más állat húsán. Néhány nap alatt, a disznó húsa tele lesz férgekkel. 
11. A disznó testében tucatnyi parazita található olyanok, mint a métely(élősködő bélféreg), galandféreg, kukac. Nincs olyan biztonságos hőmérséklet, amellyel ha megsütjük a disznóhúst, elpusztíthatnánk a férgek tojásait, cisztáit. Azok biztonságban megmaradnak a húsban. A disznóhúsban kétszer annyi zsír található, mint a marhahúsban. 
12. 3 uncia( 0,1 kilogramm)T-bone steak(malackaraj) 8,5 gramm zsírt tartalmaz. 3 uncia disznó hússzelet 18 gramm zsírt tartalmaz. 3 uncia marha borda 11,1 gramm zsírt tartalmaz. 3 uncia sovány sertéskaraj 23, 2 gramm zsírt tartalmaz. 
13. A tehénnek összetett emésztő rendszere van, négy gyomorral. Így is több mint 24 órába telik megemésztenie a vegetáriánus diétáját amíg az étel teljesen megtisztul a méreganyagoktól. Ezzel ellentétben, a disznónak egy gyomorral, csak 4 órába telik megemészteni a mocskos diétáját ami ezért gyorsan az összes méreganyagával együtt a húsába kerül. 
14. A disznó 30-féle olyan betegséget szállít magában, melyet az ember könnyen elkaphat. 
15. A disznó bélférgei mikroszkopikus méretűek, és egyszeri lenyelésükkel befészkelik magukat a beleinkbe, izmainkba, a gerincagyba vagy az agyba. Ezt eredményezi a trichinosis betegsége. Tünetei a fejfájás, láz, izomfájdalmak, duzzadt szemek vagy akár fájdalmas légzés. A tünetek néha hiányosak, de amikor jelentkeznek, megegyeznek más betegségek tüneteivel. Mint például a tífusz, hastífusz, reuma, gyomorhurut, agyhártyagyulladás, epehólyag betegség vagy akut alkoholizmus. 
16. A disznó nagyon mérgező és mocskos, JHVH készített neki egy csőhálózatot vagy csatornát, amely végig fut mindegyik lábán és a lábai végén egy kivezető nyílással végződik. Ezeken a réseken keresztül csepeg ki a genny és kosz a testéből, de nem elég gyorsan. Ezért a genny nagy része a húsába kerül. 
17. Ezek a megalapozott indokok, biológiai tények melyek megmutatják nekünk, hogy a disznó, fogyasztásra alkalmatlan. De egy igaz hívő nem kérdőjelezi meg sosem, hogy miért nem szabad elfogyasztani, hanem tudja, hogy JHVH megtiltotta és ezért nem is fogja elfogyasztani.

ترجمه باللغه الأنجليزيه

1. The pig eating a real waste
2. She'll eat anything, including urine, feces, dirt, rotting animal flesh, worms, rotting plants
3. mint other pigs, animals or cancerous tumors
4. The pig meat and fat, absorb toxins up the sponge
5. Their meat is 30 times more toxic to cattle and őzhúsnál
6. When beef and őzhúst consume the meat of 8-9 hours to digest and low in toxins. These toxins and as soon as our bodies are, will filter out the liver. But when the pork is consumed, the meat of the digestion and thus only takes a higher level of toxins in our bodies are built within a short period of 4 hours.
7. Unlike other mammals, pigs do not sweat and do not perspire. Sweating is that the toxins filter, remove from the body. As the pigs do not sweat, the toxins remain in the body and the flesh.
8. The pork is so toxic that you can hardly poison to kill.
9. The farmers often divert the pigs rattlesnake nest, because the pigs will eat snakes and snake bites if they poison will have no effect on them.
10. When the pig is killed the worms and insects appear in the flesh terribly fast, much faster than any other animal flesh. In a few days, the pig meat will be full of worms.
11. The pig's body found dozens of parasite are like flukes (parasitic intestinal worms), tapeworm, worms. There is not a safe temperature, which you fry the pork, we could destroy the worm eggs, cysts. They remain safe from the flesh. The disznóhúsban twice the amount of fat than beef.
12. 3 ounces (0.1 kilograms) T-bone steak (pork loin) contains 8.5 grams of fat. 3 ounces pork chop contains 18 grams of fat. 3 ounces of beef ribs contains 11.1 grams of fat. 3 ounces of lean pork loin 23, 2 grams of fat.
13. The complex digestive system of a cow has four stomachs. So for more than 24 hours to digest a vegetarian diet until the food is completely cleansed of toxins. In contrast, a pig stomach, only 4 hours to digest the diet is dirty and quickly with all the material is poison into his flesh.
14. The pig transport includes 30 types of diseases that a man easily caught.
15. The pig gastrointestinal nematodes microscopic in size and single lenyelésükkel nested themselves in the intestines, muscles, the spinal cord or the brain. This causes the disease trichinosis. Symptoms include headache, fever, body aches, swollen eyes or painful breathing. The symptoms are sometimes incomplete, but when they occur, are the same symptoms of other diseases. Such as typhus, typhoid fever, rheumatism, gastritis, meningitis, acute gallbladder disease or alcoholism.
16. The pig is very toxic and dirty, YHWH made him a pipe network or channel that runs through the end of each leg and an outlet opening ends of the legs. Dirt and pus dripping out of the body through these cracks, but not quickly enough. Therefore, much of the pus into the flesh.
17. These reasonable grounds, biological facts that show us that the pig unfit for consumption. But a true believer does not question ever, so why not be eaten, but also knows that YHWH prohibited and therefore will not eat.

ترجمه باللغه الفرنسيه

1. Le cochon de manger un véritable gaspillage
2. Elle va manger quoi que ce soit, y compris l'urine, les selles, la saleté, la pourriture chair animale, les vers, les plantes en décomposition
3. menthe autres porcs, des animaux ou des tumeurs cancéreuses
4. La viande et la graisse de porc, absorbent les toxines l'éponge
5. Leur viande est 30 fois plus toxique pour le bétail et őzhúsnál
6. Lorsque la viande bovine et őzhúst consomment la viande de 8-9 heures à digérer et à faible teneur en toxines. Ces toxines et dès que nos corps sont, seront filtrer le foie. Mais lorsque le porc est consommée, la viande de la digestion et donc ne prend un niveau plus élevé de toxines dans notre corps sont construits dans une courte période de 4 heures.
7. Contrairement à d'autres mammifères, porcs ne transpirent et ne transpirent pas. La transpiration est que le filtre de toxines, retirer du corps. Comme les porcs ne transpirent pas, les toxines restent dans le corps et la chair.
8. Le porc est tellement toxique que vous pouvez difficilement poison pour tuer.
9. Les agriculteurs détournent souvent le nid porcs de serpent à sonnettes, parce que les porcs mangent les serpents et les morsures de serpents si elles poison aura aucun effet sur eux.
10. Lorsque le porc est tué les vers et les insectes apparaissent dans la chair terriblement vite, beaucoup plus vite que tout autre chair animale. Dans quelques jours, la viande de porc sera pleine de vers.
11. Le corps de cochon trouvé des dizaines de parasites sont comme des douves (vers intestinaux), parasites, vers le ténia. Il n'y a pas une température sécuritaire, que vous faites frire la viande de porc, nous pourrions détruire les oeufs de vers, des kystes. Ils restent à l'abri de la chair. Le disznóhúsban deux fois la quantité de graisse que le bœuf.
12. 3 onces (0,1 kg) de T-bone steak (filet de porc) contient 8,5 grammes de matières grasses. 3 oz côtelette de porc contient 18 grammes de matières grasses. 3 onces de côtes de boeuf contient 11,1 grammes de gras. 3 onces de maigre filet de porc 23, 2 grammes de gras.
13. Le système digestif complexe d'une vache a quatre estomacs. Donc, pour plus de 24 heures à digérer un régime végétarien jusqu'à ce que la nourriture est complètement nettoyé de toxines. En revanche, un estomac de porc, seulement 4 heures pour digérer l'alimentation est sale et rapidement avec tout le matériel est un poison dans sa chair.
14. Le transport des porcs comprend 30 types de maladies que l'homme attrape facilement.
15. Les porcs nématodes gastro-intestinaux de taille microscopique et unique lenyelésükkel se imbriquées dans les intestins, les muscles, la moelle épinière ou du cerveau. Cela provoque la trichinose de la maladie. Les symptômes comprennent des maux de tête, de la fièvre, des courbatures, les yeux gonflés ou la respiration douloureuse. Les symptômes sont parfois incomplètes, mais quand ils se produisent, sont les mêmes symptômes d'autres maladies. Telles que le typhus, la fièvre typhoïde, les rhumatismes, la gastrite, la méningite, la maladie de la vésicule biliaire aiguë ou l'alcoolisme.
16. Le cochon est très toxique et sale, YHWH lui un réseau de canalisations ou d'un canal qui traverse l'extrémité de chaque jambe et une ouverture de sortie extrémités des pattes fait. La saleté et pus égouttage hors du corps au travers de ces fissures, mais pas assez rapidement. Par conséquent, une grande partie du pus dans la chair.
17. Ces motifs raisonnables, faits biologiques qui nous montrent que le porc impropres à la consommation. Mais un vrai croyant ne conteste jamais, alors pourquoi ne pas être mangé, mais sait aussi que YHWH interdite et ne sera donc pas manger.

ترجمه للغه الإيطاليه

1. Il maiale mangiare un vero spreco
2. Si farà mangiare qualsiasi cosa, anche l'urina, le feci, sporcizia, carne in putrefazione animale, vermi, piante in decomposizione
3. menta altri suini, animali o tumori cancerosi
4. La carne di maiale e grasso, assorbono le tossine la spugna
5. La loro carne è 30 volte più tossico per il bestiame e őzhúsnál
6. Quando le carni őzhúst consumare la carne di 8-9 ore per digerire e basso contenuto di tossine. Queste tossine e appena i nostri corpi sono, si filtrare il fegato. Ma quando il maiale è consumato, la carne della digestione e pertanto richiede solo un più alto livello di tossine nei nostri corpi sono costruiti in un breve periodo di 4 ore.
7. A differenza di altri mammiferi, i maiali non sudano e non sudare. Sudorazione è che il filtro tossine, rimuovere dal corpo. Poiché i suini non sudano, le tossine rimangono nel corpo e la carne.
8. Il maiale è così tossico che difficilmente si può avvelenare di uccidere.
9. I contadini spesso deviano il nido maiali serpente a sonagli, perché i maiali mangiano i serpenti e morsi di serpente se il veleno non avrà alcun effetto su di loro.
10. Quando il maiale viene ucciso i vermi e gli insetti appaiono in carne e ossa estremamente veloce, molto più veloce di qualsiasi altra carne animale. In pochi giorni, la carne di maiale sarà pieno di vermi.
11. Il corpo del maiale ha trovato decine di parassiti sono come trematodi (vermi intestinali parassiti), tenia, vermi. Non c'è una temperatura di sicurezza, che si friggere la carne di maiale, si potrebbe distruggere le uova di vermi, cisti. Rimangono al sicuro dalla carne. Il disznóhúsban doppio della quantità di grasso dalla carne bovina.
12. 3 once (0,1 chilogrammi) T-bone steak (lombo di maiale) contiene 8,5 grammi di grassi. 3 once braciola di maiale contiene 18 grammi di grasso. 3 once di costine di manzo contiene 11,1 grammi di grassi. 3 once di magra lonza di maiale 23, 2 grammi di grassi.
13. Il sistema digestivo complesso di una mucca ha quattro stomaci. Così, per più di 24 ore per digerire una dieta vegetariana fino a quando il cibo è completamente ripulito dalle tossine. Al contrario, uno stomaco di maiale, solo 4 ore per digerire la dieta è sporca e veloce con tutto il materiale è veleno nella sua carne.
14. Il trasporto di suini comprende 30 tipi di malattie che un uomo facilmente catturati.
15. Il maiale nematodi gastrointestinali microscopiche dimensioni e unico lenyelésükkel stessi annidati nell'intestino, i muscoli, il midollo spinale o il cervello. Ciò causa la trichinosi malattia. I sintomi includono mal di testa, febbre, dolori muscolari, occhi gonfi o respirazione dolorosa. I sintomi sono talvolta incompleti, ma quando si verificano, sono gli stessi sintomi di altre malattie. Come ad esempio il tifo, febbre tifoide, reumatismi, gastrite, la meningite, malattie della colecisti acuta o alcolismo.
16. Il maiale è molto tossico e sporco, YHWH lo una rete tubo o canale che attraversa l'estremità di ogni gamba e un'apertura di uscita estremità delle gambe fatta. Sporcizia e pus stillicidio fuori dal corpo attraverso queste crepe, ma non abbastanza in fretta. Pertanto, gran parte del pus nella carne.
17. Questi motivi ragionevoli, fatti biologici che ci mostrano che il maiale non idonei al consumo. Ma un vero credente non mette in discussione mai, quindi perché non essere mangiati, ma sa anche che YHWH vietato e, pertanto, non si mangia.

ترجمه للغه الألمانيه

1. Das Schwein essen eine echte Verschwendung
2. Sie wird alles essen, einschließlich Urin, Kot, Schmutz, Fäulnis Tierfleisch, Würmer, verrottenden Pflanzen
3. mint anderen Schweinen, Tiere oder Krebstumoren
4. Das Schwein Fleisch und Fett, zu absorbieren Giftstoffe bis der Schwamm
5. Ihr Fleisch ist 30-mal mehr giftig für Rinder und őzhúsnál
6. Wenn Rindfleisch und őzhúst konsumieren Fleisch von 8-9 Stunden zu verdauen und in niedrigen Giftstoffe. Diese Toxine und so schnell wie unsere Körper sind, filtert die Leber. Aber wenn das Schwein verbraucht wird, das Fleisch der Verdauung und somit dauert nur eine höhere Toxine im Körper innerhalb einer kurzen Zeitspanne von 4 Stunden gebaut.
7. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Säugetieren, haben Schweine nicht schwitzen und schwitzen nicht. Schwitzen ist, dass die Giftstoffe Filter, aus dem Körper zu entfernen. Wie die Schweine nicht schwitzen, bleiben die Giftstoffe im Körper und das Fleisch.
8. Das Schweinefleisch ist so giftig, dass man kaum zu vergiften, zu töten.
9. Die Bauern lenken oft die Schweine Klapperschlange Nest, weil die Schweine Schlangen und Schlangenbissen zu essen, wenn sie Gift wird keine Auswirkungen auf sie haben.
10. Wenn das Schwein getötet die Würmer und Insekten werden im Fleisch furchtbar schnell, viel schneller als jedes andere Tierfleisch. In ein paar Tagen wird das Schweinefleisch sein voller Würmer.
11. Die Schweinekörper gefunden Dutzende von Parasiten sind wie Egel (parasitäre Darmwürmer), Bandwurm, Würmer. Es gibt keine sichere Temperatur, die Sie das Schweinefleisch braten konnten wir die Wurmeier zerstören, Zysten. Sie bleiben sicher aus dem Fleisch. Die disznóhúsban zweimal die Menge an Fett als Rindfleisch.
12. 3 Unzen (0,1 Kilogramm) T-Bone-Steak (Schweinelende) enthält 8,5 Gramm Fett. 3 Unzen Kotelett enthält 18 Gramm Fett. 3 Unzen von Rindfleisch Rippen enthält 11,1 Gramm Fett. 3 Unzen mageres Schweinerücken 23, 2 Gramm Fett.
13. Der Komplex Verdauungssystem einer Kuh hat vier Mägen. Also für mehr als 24 Stunden, um eine vegetarische Ernährung zu verdauen, bis das Essen ist komplett von Giftstoffen gereinigt. Im Gegensatz dazu ist ein Schwein Magen, nur 4 Stunden zu verdauen die Nahrung ist schmutzig und schnell mit allen das Material ist Gift in sein Fleisch.
14. Die Schweinetransport umfasst 30 Arten von Krankheiten, die ein Mann leicht gefangen.
15. Die Schweine gastrointestinalen Nematoden mikroskopisch klein und Einzel lenyelésükkel verschachtelt sich im Darm, Muskeln, des Rückenmarks oder des Gehirns. Dies bewirkt, dass die Krankheit Trichinose. Symptome sind Kopfschmerzen, Fieber, Gliederschmerzen, geschwollene Augen oder Schmerzen beim Atmen. Die Symptome sind manchmal unvollständig, aber wenn sie auftreten, sind die gleichen Symptome von anderen Krankheiten. Wie Typhus, Typhus, Rheumatismus, Gastritis, Hirnhautentzündung, akute Erkrankung der Gallenblase oder Alkoholismus.
16. Das Schwein ist sehr giftig und schmutzig, JHWH machte ihn zu einem Rohrleitungsnetz oder einen Kanal, der durch das Ende jedes Schenkels und einer Austrittsöffnung Enden der Schenkel verläuft. Schmutz und Eiter tropft aus dem Körper durch diese Risse, aber nicht schnell genug. Daher viel von dem Eiter in das Fleisch.
17. Diese vernünftige Gründe, biologischen Tatsachen, die uns zeigen, dass das Schwein zum Verzehr ungeeignet machen. Aber ein wahrer Gläubiger nicht immer in Frage zu stellen, warum also nicht gegessen werden, aber weiß auch, dass JHWH untersagt und daher nicht essen.

ترجمه باللغه الروسيه

1. свиньи едят реальную отходов
2. Она съесть что-нибудь, в том числе мочи, кала, грязи, гниющей плоти животных, червей, гниющие растения
3. мяты другие свиньи, животные или раковые опухоли
4. Мясо свиней и жир, поглощают токсины до губки
5. Их мясо в 30 раз более токсичны для крупного рогатого скота и őzhúsnál
6. Когда говядина и őzhúst потреблять мясо 8-9 часов, чтобы переварить и низким токсинов. Эти токсины, и как только наши тела, будет отфильтровывать печень. Но когда свинины потребляется, мясо пищеварения и, таким образом, только занимает более высокий уровень токсинов в нашем организме строятся в течение короткого периода, равного 4 часам.
7. В отличие от других млекопитающих, свиньи не потеют и не потеть. Потоотделение является то, что фильтр токсины, удалить из организма. Как свиньи не потеют, токсины остаются в организме и плоти.
8. свинины настолько токсичным, что вряд ли можно отравить, чтобы убить.
9. фермеры часто отвлечь свиней гремучей гнездо, потому что свиньи едят змей и змеиных укусов, если они яд не будет иметь никакого влияния на них.
10. Когда свинья убил червей и насекомых появится в плоти ужасно быстро, гораздо быстрее, чем любой другой животной плоти. Через несколько дней, свинина будет полон червей.
11. Тело свиньи нашли десятки паразита, как сосальщики (паразитарные кишечные черви), ленточных червей, глистов. Существует не безопасная температура, которую вы жарить свинину, мы могли бы уничтожить червя яйца, цисты. Они остаются в безопасности от плоти. Disznóhúsban дважды количество жира, чем говядина.
12. 3 унции (0,1 кг) Т-кости стейк (свиная корейка) содержит 8,5 грамма жира. 3 унции свиная отбивная содержит 18 граммов жира. 3 унции говядины ребер содержит 11,1 граммов жира. 3 унции нежирного корейки 23, 2 г жира.
13. Комплекс пищеварительная система коровы имеет четыре желудка. Таким образом, для более чем 24 часов, чтобы переварить вегетарианскую диету до еды не полностью очищен от токсинов. В отличие от этого, свиной желудок, всего 4 часа, чтобы переварить диета грязный и быстро со всеми материала яд в его плоть.
14. свинья транспорт включает 30 видов болезней, которые человек легко поймали.
15. свинья желудочно-кишечные нематоды микроскопические размеры и одной lenyelésükkel вложены себя в кишечнике, мышцах, спинного мозга или головного мозга. Это приводит к тому трихинеллез болезни. Симптомы включают головную боль, лихорадку, ломоту в теле, опухшие глаза или болезненные дыхание. Симптомы иногда неполный, но когда они происходят, те же симптомы других заболеваний. Такие, как тиф, брюшной тиф, ревматизм, гастрит, менингит, острого заболевания желчного пузыря или алкоголизма.
16. свиньи очень токсичен и грязный, Иегова сделал его трубопроводной сети или канал, который проходит через конце каждой ноге и выходное отверстие концы ног. Грязь и гной капает из тела через эти трещины, но не достаточно быстро. Таким образом, большая часть гноя в плоти.
17. Эти разумные основания, биологические факты, которые показывают нам, что свинья непригодным для потребления. Но истинный верующий не вопрос когда-либо, так почему бы не быть съеденным, но также знает, что Иегова запрещено и, следовательно, не будет есть.

ترجمه باللغه الصينيه

12.3盎司(0.1千克)T骨牛排(猪里脊肉)中含有8.5克脂肪。 3盎司猪排含有18克脂肪。 3盎司牛排含有11.1克脂肪。 3盎司的瘦猪肉里脊23,2克脂肪。

ترجمه للغه الهنديه

1. एक असली बेकार खाने सुअर
2. वह पशु मांस, कीड़े, सड़ पौधों सड़, मूत्र, मल, गंदगी सहित कुछ भी खा लेंगे
3. टकसाल अन्य सूअर, जानवरों या कैंसर ट्यूमर
4. सुअर मांस और वसा, स्पंज अप विषाक्त पदार्थों को अवशोषित
5. उनके मांस पशु और őzhúsnál करने के लिए 30 गुना अधिक विषैला होता है
6. मांस और őzhúst की खपत 8-9 घंटे के मांस को पचाने और विषाक्त पदार्थों को कम करने के लिए। इन विषाक्त पदार्थों के रूप में जल्द ही हमारे शरीर के रूप में, जिगर बाहर फिल्टर होगा और। सूअर का मांस सेवन किया जाता है लेकिन जब पाचन के मांस और इस प्रकार केवल 4 घंटे की एक छोटी अवधि के भीतर निर्माण कर रहे हैं जो हमारे शरीर में विषाक्त पदार्थों के एक उच्च स्तर लेता है।
7. अन्य स्तनधारियों के विपरीत, सूअरों पसीना नहीं है और पसीना आना नहीं है। पसीना विषाक्त पदार्थों को फिल्टर, शरीर से निकाले गए है। सूअरों पसीना नहीं है के रूप में, विषाक्त पदार्थों को शरीर और शरीर में रहते हैं।
8. पोर्क आप शायद ही मारने के लिए जहर कर सकते हैं ताकि विषैला होता है।
वे जहर उन पर कोई असर नहीं होगा अगर सूअरों सांप और सांप के काटने खा जाएगा क्योंकि 9. किसानों अक्सर, सूअर नाग घोंसला हटाने की।
10 सुअर को मार डाला गया है, जब कीड़े और कीड़े किसी भी अन्य पशु मांस की तुलना में बहुत तेजी से, बहुत तेजी से शरीर में प्रकट होते हैं। कुछ ही दिनों में, सुअर मांस कीड़े से भरा जाएगा।
11. सुअर के शरीर परजीवी के दर्जनों flukes (परजीवी पेट के कीड़े), फीताकृमि, कीड़े की तरह हैं पाया। एक सुरक्षित तापमान, तुम सूअर का मांस भून है, जो हम, अल्सर कीड़ा अंडे नष्ट कर सकता है नहीं है। वे मांस से सुरक्षित रहते हैं। disznóhúsban गोमांस से वसा की दो बार राशि।
12. 3 औंस (0.1 किलोग्राम) टी हड्डी स्टेक (पोर्क कमर) वसा के 8.5 ग्राम होता है। 3 औंस सूअर का मांस काट वसा की 18 ग्राम होता है। गोमांस पसलियों के 3 औंस वसा की 11.1 ग्राम होता है। दुबला पोर्क कमर 23 के 3 औंस, वसा की 2 ग्राम।
एक गाय की 13. जटिल पाचन तंत्र चार पेट है। भोजन पूरी तरह से विषाक्त पदार्थों का शुद्ध है जब तक 24 घंटे से अधिक एक शाकाहारी भोजन को पचाने के लिए तो। इसके विपरीत, एक सुअर पेट, केवल 4 घंटे आहार गंदे और जल्दी से सभी सामग्री उनके शरीर में जहर है के साथ है पचाने के लिए।
14. सुअर परिवहन के लिए एक आदमी को आसानी से पकड़ा कि रोगों के 30 प्रकार शामिल हैं।
आकार और एकल lenyelésükkel में सूक्ष्म 15. सुअर जठरांत्र नेमाटोड आंतों, मांसपेशियों, रीढ़ की हड्डी या मस्तिष्क में खुद को नेस्ट। यह रोग trichinosis कारण बनता है। लक्षण सिर दर्द, बुखार, शरीर में दर्द, सूजन आँखें या दर्दनाक सांस लेने में शामिल हैं। लक्षण कभी कभी अधूरे हैं, लेकिन जब वे होते हैं, अन्य बीमारियों का एक ही लक्षण हैं। इस तरह सन्निपात, टाइफाइड बुखार, गठिया, जठरशोथ, दिमागी बुखार, तीव्र पित्ताशय की थैली रोग या शराब के रूप में।
16. सुअर है YHWH उसे प्रत्येक चरण के अंत और पैरों के सिरों को खोलने के लिए एक दुकान के माध्यम से चलाता है कि एक पाइप नेटवर्क या चैनल बनाया है, बहुत विषाक्त और गंदा है। गंदगी और मवाद नहीं बल्कि जल्दी से पर्याप्त है, इन दरारों के माध्यम से शरीर से बाहर टपकता। इसलिए, शरीर में मवाद का ज्यादा।
17. ये उचित आधार हमें पता चलता है कि, जैविक तथ्यों कि खपत के लिए अयोग्य सुअर। लेकिन एक सच्चे विश्वास नहीं खाया जाना तो यही कारण है, कभी सवाल है, लेकिन यह भी है YHWH निषिद्ध है और इसलिए नहीं खा जाएगा जानता है कि नहीं करता है।

ترجمه للغه الهولنديه

1. Het varken eet een echte afval
2. Ze zal alles eten, met inbegrip van urine, ontlasting, vuil, rottend dierlijk vlees, wormen, rottende planten
3. mint andere varkens, dieren of kankergezwellen
4. Het varken vlees en vet, te absorberen gifstoffen de spons
5. Hun vlees is 30 keer meer giftig voor vee en őzhúsnál
6. Wanneer rundvlees en őzhúst verbruiken vlees van 8-9 uur te verteren en laag in gifstoffen. Deze toxines en zodra onze lichamen zijn, zal filteren op de lever. Maar wanneer het varken wordt het vlees van de spijsvertering en aldus duurt maar een hoger gehalte aan toxinen in ons lichaam bevinden zich in een korte periode van 4 uur.
7. In tegenstelling tot andere zoogdieren, doe varkens niet zweten en niet transpireren. Zweten is dat de giftige stoffen filter, verwijderen uit het lichaam. Aangezien de varkens geen zweet, de toxinen in het lichaam en het vlees.
8. Het varkensvlees is zo giftig dat je nauwelijks kan vergiftigen om te doden.
9. De boeren leiden vaak de varkens ratelslang nest, omdat de varkens zal eten slangen en slangenbeten als ze gif geen effect op hen zal hebben.
10. Wanneer het varken wordt gedood de wormen en insecten verschijnen in het vlees ontzettend snel, veel sneller dan enig ander dierlijk vlees. In een paar dagen, zal het varken vlees vol wormen zijn.
11. Het lichaam van de varken gevonden tientallen parasiet zijn als staartvinnen (parasitaire wormen), lintworm, wormen. Er is geen veilige temperatuur, waar u het varkensvlees bak, kunnen we vernietigen de worm eieren, cysten. Ze blijven veilig uit het vlees. De disznóhúsban tweemaal de hoeveelheid vet dan rundvlees.
12. 3 ounces (0,1 kilogram) T-bone steak (varkenslende) bevat 8,5 gram vet. 3 ounces karbonade bevat 18 gram vet. 3 oz van rundvlees ribben bevat 11,1 gram vet. 3 oz mager varkenslende 23, 2 gram vet.
13. Het complex spijsverteringsstelsel van een koe heeft vier magen. Dus voor meer dan 24 uur om een vegetarisch dieet te verteren tot het voedsel volledig is gereinigd van giftige stoffen. In tegenstelling, een varken maag, slechts 4 uur te verteren het dieet is vies en snel met al het materiaal is vergif in zijn vlees.
14. Het varken vervoer omvat 30 soorten ziekten die een man gemakkelijk gevangen.
15. Het varken maagdarmwormen microscopische grootte en enkele lenyelésükkel genesteld zich in de darmen, spieren, het ruggenmerg of de hersenen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat de ziekte trichinose. Symptomen zijn onder meer hoofdpijn, koorts, pijn in het lichaam, gezwollen ogen of pijnlijke ademhaling. De symptomen zijn soms onvolledig, maar wanneer ze voorkomen, zijn dezelfde symptomen van andere ziekten. Zoals tyfus, tyfus, reuma, gastritis, meningitis, acute galblaas ziekte of alcoholisme.
16. Het varken is zeer giftig en vies, JHWH hem een buizennetwerk of kanaal dat door het einde van elk been en een uitlaatopening van de poten loopt. Vuil en pus droop uit het lichaam door middel van deze scheuren, maar niet snel genoeg. Daarom is een groot deel van de pus in het vlees.
17. Deze redelijke gronden, biologische feiten die ons laten zien dat het varken ongeschikt voor consumptie. Maar een ware gelovige niet ooit in twijfel, dus waarom niet gegeten worden, maar weet ook dat JHWH is verboden en zal daarom niet te eten.

ترجمه للغه الأسبانيه

1. El cerdo comiendo un verdadero desperdicio
2. Ella va a comer cualquier cosa, incluyendo la orina, las heces, la suciedad, la carne podrida animales, gusanos, plantas en descomposición
3. menta otros cerdos, los animales o los tumores cancerosos
4. La carne y la grasa de cerdo, absorben toxinas hasta la esponja
5. Su carne es 30 veces más tóxico para el ganado y őzhúsnál
6. Cuando la carne de őzhúst consumen la carne de 8-9 horas para digerir y bajo en toxinas. Estas toxinas y tan pronto como nuestros cuerpos son, van a filtrar el hígado. Pero cuando se consume la carne de cerdo, la carne de la digestión y por lo tanto sólo se lleva a un mayor nivel de toxinas en nuestros cuerpos se construyen dentro de un corto período de 4 horas.
7. A diferencia de otros mamíferos, los cerdos no sudan y no transpiran. La sudoración es que el filtro de toxinas, eliminar del cuerpo. A medida que los cerdos no sudan, las toxinas permanecen en el cuerpo y la carne.
8. La carne de cerdo es tan tóxico que apenas se puede envenenar a matar.
9. Los agricultores a menudo desvían el nido cerdos serpiente de cascabel, porque los cerdos comen serpientes y picaduras de serpientes si el veneno no tendrá ningún efecto en ellos.
10. Cuando se mata el cerdo los gusanos e insectos aparecen en la carne terriblemente rápido, mucho más rápido que cualquier otra carne animal. En pocos días, la carne de cerdo se llena de gusanos.
11. El cuerpo del cerdo encontró decenas de parásitos son como trematodos (gusanos intestinales parasitarias), la solitaria, gusanos. No hay una temperatura segura, que se fríe la carne de cerdo, podríamos destruir los huevos de gusanos, los quistes. Ellos permanecen a salvo de la carne. El disznóhúsban doble de la cantidad de grasa que la carne de vacuno.
12. 3 oz (0,1 kilogramos) de carne de buey (lomo de cerdo) contiene 8.5 gramos de grasa. 3 oz de carne de cerdo chuleta contiene 18 gramos de grasa. 3 onzas de costillas de ternera contiene 11.1 gramos de grasa. 3 onzas de lomo de cerdo magra 23, 2 gramos de grasa.
13. El sistema digestivo complejo de una vaca tiene cuatro estómagos. Así que para más de 24 horas para digerir una dieta vegetariana hasta que la comida esté completamente limpia de toxinas. En contraste, un estómago de cerdo, sólo 4 horas para digerir la dieta está sucio y rápidamente con todo el material es veneno en su carne.
14. El transporte de cerdos incluye 30 tipos de enfermedades que un hombre atrapado fácilmente.
15. Los cerdos nematodos gastrointestinales microscópicos en tamaño y solo lenyelésükkel anidar a sí mismos en los intestinos, los músculos, la médula espinal o el cerebro. Esto hace que la triquinosis enfermedad. Los síntomas incluyen dolor de cabeza, fiebre, dolor de cuerpo, los ojos hinchados o dolor al respirar. Los síntomas son a veces incompleto, pero cuando ocurren, son los mismos síntomas de otras enfermedades. Tales como el tifus, la fiebre tifoidea, el reumatismo, la gastritis, la meningitis, enfermedad de la vesícula biliar aguda o alcoholismo.
16. El cerdo es muy tóxico y sucio, YHWH él una red de tubería o canal que se extiende hasta el final de cada pierna y una abertura de salida extremos de las patas hizo. La suciedad y el pus goteando fuera del cuerpo a través de estas grietas, pero no lo suficientemente rápido. Por lo tanto, gran parte del pus en la carne.
17. Estos motivos razonables, hechos biológicos que nos muestran que el cerdo no aptos para el consumo. Pero un verdadero creyente no pone en duda alguna vez, ¿por qué no ser comido, pero también sabe que YHWH prohibido y por lo tanto no va a comer.

ترجمه للغه البرتغاليه

1. O porco come um verdadeiro desperdício
2. Ela vai comer qualquer coisa, incluindo urina, fezes, sujeira, podridão carne animal, vermes, plantas em decomposição
3. hortelã outros suínos, animais ou tumores cancerosos
4. A carne de suíno e gordura, absorver as toxinas se a esponja
5. A carne é 30 vezes mais tóxico para bovinos e őzhúsnál
6. Quando a carne de őzhúst consumir a carne de 8-9 horas para digerir e pobre em toxinas. Estas toxinas e assim que nossos corpos são, irá filtrar o fígado. Mas quando a carne de porco é consumida, a carne da digestão e, assim, leva apenas um nível mais elevado de toxinas em nossos corpos são construídos dentro de um curto período de 4 horas.
7. Ao contrário de outros mamíferos, os porcos não se preocupe e não transpirar. Suando é que o filtro de toxinas, remover do corpo. À medida que os porcos não suam, as toxinas permanecem no corpo e a carne.
8. A carne de porco é tão tóxico que dificilmente você pode envenenar a matar.
9. Os agricultores muitas vezes desviar o ninho porcos cascavel, porque os porcos comem cobras e picadas de cobra veneno se eles não terão nenhum efeito sobre eles.
10. Quando o porco é morto os vermes e insetos aparecem na carne terrivelmente rápido, muito mais rápido do que qualquer outra carne animal. Em poucos dias, a carne de suíno será cheio de vermes.
11. O corpo do porco encontraram dezenas de parasita são como vermes parasitas (vermes intestinais), tênia, worms. Não há uma temperatura segura, que você fritar a carne de porco, poderíamos destruir os ovos de vermes, cistos. Eles permanecem a salvo da carne. O disznóhúsban duas vezes a quantidade de gordura do que a carne.
12. 3 oz (0,1 kg) T-bone steak (lombo de porco) contém 8,5 gramas de gordura. 3 onças bisteca de porco contém 18 gramas de gordura. 3 onças de carne costelas contém 11,1 gramas de gordura. 3 onças de lombo de porco magra 23, 2 gramas de gordura.
13. O sistema digestivo complexo de uma vaca tem quatro estômagos. Assim, por mais de 24 horas para digerir uma dieta vegetariana até que o alimento está completamente limpa de toxinas. Em contraste, um estômago de porco, apenas 4 horas para digerir a dieta é sujo e rapidamente com todo o material é veneno na sua carne.
14. O transporte de suínos inclui 30 tipos de doenças que um homem facilmente capturados.
15. Os suínos nematódeos gastrintestinais microscópicos em tamanho e único lenyelésükkel-se aninhado nos intestinos, músculos, medula espinhal ou o cérebro. Isto faz com que a doença triquinose. Os sintomas incluem dor de cabeça, febre, dores no corpo, olhos inchados ou respira

الأحد، 11 أكتوبر 2015


Let’s talk frankly. Almost never do non-Muslims study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. Only after they have grown dissatisfied with the religions familiar to them, meaning Judaism, Christianity and all the fashionable “-isms”—Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism (and, as my young daughter once added, “tourism”)—do they consider Islam.

Islam is often the last religion non-Muslims explore because of the negative media attention
Perhaps other religions do not answer the big questions of life, such as “Who made us?” and “Why are we here?” Perhaps other religions do not reconcile the injustices of life with a fair and just Creator. Perhaps we find hypocrisy in the clergy, untenable tenets of faith in the canon, or corruption in the scripture. Whatever the reason, we perceive shortcomings in the religions of our exposure, and look elsewhere. And the ultimate “elsewhere” is Islam.

Now, Muslims would not like to hear me say that Islam is the “ultimate elsewhere.” But it is. Despite the fact that Muslims comprise one-fourth to one-fifth of the world’s population, non-Muslim media smears Islam with such horrible slanders that few non-Muslims view the religion in a positive light. Hence, it is normally the last religion seekers investigate. (Read more: Islam Explained)

There is a God.
Another problem is that by the time non-Muslims examine Islam, other religions have typically heightened their skepticism: If every “God-given” scripture we have ever seen is corrupt, how can the Islamic scripture be different? If charlatans have manipulated religions to suit their desires, how can we imagine the same not to have happened with Islam?

The answer can be given in a few lines, but takes books to explain. The short answer is this: There is a God. He is fair and just, and He wants us to achieve the reward of paradise. However, God has placed us in this worldly life as a test, to weed out the worthy from the unworthy. And we will be lost if left to our own devices. Why? Because we don’t know what He wants from us. We can’t navigate the twists and turns of this life without His guidance, and hence, He has given us guidance in the form of revelation.
Sure, previous religions have been corrupted, and that is one of the reasons why we have a chain of revelation. Ask yourself: wouldn’t God send another revelation if the preceding scriptures were impure? If preceding scriptures were corrupted, humans would need another revelation, to keep upon the straight path of His design. (Learn more: The Need for Revelation)

So we should expect preceding scriptures to be corrupted, and we should expect the final revelation to be pure and unadulterated, for we cannot imagine a loving God leaving us astray. What we can imagine is God giving us a scripture, and men corrupting it; God giving us another scripture, and men corrupting it again … and again, and again. Until God sends a final revelation He promises to preserve until the end of time.

Muslims consider this final revelation to be the Holy Quran. You consider it … worth looking into. So let us return to the title of this article: Why Islam? Why should we believe that Islam is the religion of truth, the religion that possesses the pure and final revelation?

“Oh, just trust me.”

Now, how many times have you heard that line? A famous comedian used to joke that people of different cities cuss one another out in different ways. In Chicago, they cuss a person out this way, in Los Angeles they cuss a person out that way, but in New York they just say, “Trust me.”

So don’t trust me—trust our Creator. Read the Quran, read books and study good websites. But whatever you do, get started, take it seriously, and pray for our Creator to guide you.

Your life may not depend on it, but your soul most definitely does.

Click here to learn more about the Quran

Copyright © 2007 Dr. Laurence B. Brown; used by permission.

Dr. Brown is the author of The Eighth Scroll, described by North Carolina State Senator Larry Shaw as, “Indiana Jones meets The Da Vinci Code. The Eighth Scroll is a breath-holding, white-knuckled, can’t-put-down thriller that challenges Western views of humanity, history and religion. Bar none, the best book in its class!” Dr. Brown is also the author of three scholastic books of comparative religion, MisGod’ed, God’ed, and Bearing True Witness (Dar-us-Salam). His books and articles can be found on his 

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السبت، 10 أكتوبر 2015

Nights of Hope - II

If a person was given the opportunity to meet the greatest king of the world, to sit and talk with him alone, and to be presented with his best gifts, he would stop eating and sleeping out of extreme joy. He would count the days and minutes waiting for this meeting. Allah The Almighty has promised us a special opportunity to talk to Him privately in the blessed nights of Ramadan, and promised us special gifts that are different from those of the whole year.

Hence, we hope that Allah The Almighty grants us the blessings of these days and nights: fasting during the day, praying during the night and performing acts of worship during the Night of Al-Qadr. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) said:

• “Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith while seeking its reward from Allah, will have his past sins forgiven.”

• “Whoever stands (in night prayer in) Ramadan out of faith while seeking its reward from Allah, will have his past sins forgiven.”

• “Whoever stands (in night prayer in) the Night of Al-Qadr out of faith while seeking its reward from Allah, will have his past sins forgiven.”

• “Some are freed from Hell by Allah, and that happens every night (in Ramadan).” So, what of the last ten blessed nights?

The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) also said that our Lord The Exalted descends[1] to the lowest heaven in the last third of the night and Says (what means): “Who supplicates Me, so that I will answer his supplication? Who asks Me, so that I will fulfill his demand?” So, what about the nights that conceal the best night in the whole year?

This abundant generosity from Allah The Almighty in the month of rewards necessitates filling our hearts with hope in Allah The Almighty. Have hope in Allah The Almighty while offering night prayers, reciting the Quran, seeking His forgiveness and supplicating Him. You are dealing with the Most-Generous, the Most-Kind and the Most Merciful. He is more Merciful to you than yourselves, and Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Whatever Allah grants to people of mercy - none can withhold it; and whatever He withholds - none can release it thereafter. And He is the Exalted in might, the Wise.} [Quran 34:2]

So, fear Allah The Almighty, obey Him and fill your hearts with good expectations of Him, hope for His mercy and fear His punishment. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone.} [Quran 18:110]

Let us end this month on a good note, perhaps we may not witness it the next year. Let us invest the remaining nights and frequently seek the forgiveness of Allah The Almighty and ask Him to accept from us.

One of the good means to end this month is to pay Zakaat-ul-Fitr, in order to make up for any shortcomings in our fasting and benefit our needy brothers and sisters. It is obligatory for us according to Ibn ‘Abbaas  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him who said, “The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) made Zakaat Al-Fitr compulsory so that those who fast may be purified of their idle deeds and vain speech (committed during Ramadan) and so that the poor may be fed. Whoever gives it before the ‘Eed prayer will have it accepted as Zakaah, while he who gives it after the ‘Eed prayer has given charity.” [Abu Daawood]

It is equal to one Saa’ of food. It should be given before the ‘Eed prayer. It is permissible to be given one or two days before ‘Eed as the Companions  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  them did. Ibn ‘Umar  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him said, “The Messenger of Allaah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) enjoined Zakaat-ul-Fitr one Saa’ of dates or barley upon Muslims: free and slave, male and female, young and old, and he enjoined that it should be given before the people go out to the prayer.” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

Naafi’  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him said, “Ibn ‘Umar  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him used to give it on behalf of the young and the old. He even used to give it on behalf of my children. Ibn ‘Umar  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him used to give it to those who accept it. They were given it before (the ‘Eed of) Fitr by one or two days.” [Al-Bukhaari]

[1] We believe in the Attributes of Allaah that occur in the Quran and authentic Hadeeths of the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ), without distorting their wordings or meanings, nor denying, nor asking how, nor drawing resemblance between Allaah and any of His creation.

Nights of Hope - I

The days of Ramadan are a special time when the blessings and mercies of Allah The Almighty are bestowed abundantly. So let us hasten to acquire the gifts of our Lord in the mosques and look for them during the third part of the night.
Purify yourselves physically and spiritually as you stand before Allah, The King, conversing with Him through reciting the Quran and supplications. The only means to receive His gifts is to be granted acceptance. So, cling to His door, pursue the means and beseech Him, for this leads to an eternal victory that cannot be compared to any worldly gain. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.} [Quran 3:185]
The blessed nights of Ramadan should appropriately be called ‘The Nights of Hope’, because of the hoped-for forgiveness, mercy, being freed from Hell, witnessing the Night of Al-Qadr, praying through its night out of faith and seeking the reward of Allah The Almighty. Hence, the worship of that one night is better than the worship of one thousand months.
It is the hope of the promise of Allah The Almighty that is revealed in the Quran and alluded to by the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in many Hadeeths (narrations) about the ten blessed nights and the Night of Al-Qadr. Allah The Almighty promised great rewards that cannot be imagined – only within those few days. These rewards are sought only by a believer and are missed only by those who are in a state of loss.
Hope overwhelms the hearts and souls, thus drawing them nearer to the beloved, enabling them to feel very close to Allah The Almighty and sense His Majesty. It is to receive glad tidings about the generosity of Allah The Almighty. It is to have confidence in the promise of Allah The Almighty; and there is no hope but it is accompanied by a righteous deed. Having hope while being lazy in worship and indulging in unlawful acts is only a false desire and wishful thinking. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {wishful thinking deluded you until there came the Command of Allah. And the Deceiver deceived you concerning Allah} [Quran 57:14] Sa‘eed ibn Jubayr, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “It (hope) is to commit the sin and wish for forgiveness.”
The people of hope submit to their Lord and worship Him. They purify their hearts and souls with good deeds, abide by their Lord’s commands, and their hearts are delighted by hearing the Quran, their bodies quiver out of fear of Allah The Almighty, and their eyes shed tears out of apprehension. They see the blessings of Allah The Almighty given to them and sense the greatness of their shortcomings in fulfilling the rights of Allah The Almighty. They are ever thankful to Allah The Almighty and remember Him frequently.
When Ahmad ibn ‘Aasim Al-Antaaki, may Allaah have mercy upon him, was asked, “What is the sign of the slave’s true hope in Allah?” he replied, “To thank Allah The Almighty when they are encompassed by the benevolence of Allah, hoping for the perfection of the blessing in this worldly life and complete pardon in the Hereafter.”
Shaah Al-Kirmaani, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “Perfect obedience is the sign of hope.”
When Allah The Almighty described the Companions who had true hope in their words and deeds, He Said (what means): {Indeed, those who have believed and those who have emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah - those expect the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.} [Quran 2:218]
Qataadah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “Those were the best of this Ummah (Muslim nation), for Allah made them the people of hope, as you hear. Whoever hopes for something asks for it. Whoever fears something flees away from it.”
In the context of the hope of those who perform Tahajjud (voluntary night prayer), Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Is one who is devoutly obedient during periods of the night, prostrating and standing [in prayer], fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord, [like one who does not]?} [Quran 39:9]
Allah The Almighty again Says in another verse (what means): {They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what We have provided them, they spend.} [Quran 32:16]
In their Tahajjud and supplication, they hope for Allah The Almighty. They do not hope for Allah The Almighty’s forgiveness without performing good deeds, nor perform those deeds without having hope in Allah The Almighty.
People who have hope in Allah The Almighty attach their hearts to Him and rely on Him in achieving whatever they want, as well as warding off harm and driving away their concerns. They have hope in Allah The Almighty publicly and privately and in all their affairs of this world and the Hereafter.
Their staunch hope in Him fills their hearts, even if what they hope for is late in coming or if what they fear happens. Their trust in Allah The Almighty is greater than their trust in people. Their certainty in the promise of Allah The Almighty is far greater than what they see as being contradictory to what they hope.
Contemplate the story of Ya‘qoob, may Allaah exalt his mention, when he hoped for the return of his lost son Yoosuf, may Allaah exalt his mention! Despite the fact that he had become blind crying out of sadness over the lost child, he never stopped having hope in Allah The Almighty but hope that he would meet Yoosuf, may Allaah exalt his mention, again. When prophet Ya‘qoob's, may Allaah exalt his mention, children blamed him for this his, may Allaah exalt his mention, answer was his hope in Allaah The Almighty that made him believe He could achieve for him what he knew humans could not. The blaming of prophet Ya‘qoob’s, may Allaah exalt his mention, children and his reply for that mentioned in the Quran as this. Allah Says (what means): {They said, “By Allah, you will not cease remembering Yoosuf until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish.” He said, "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know.} [Quran 12:85-86]
What did he know from Allah The Almighty that they did not? He knew that Allah The Almighty is the Most Kind and Merciful, and this knowledge strengthened his good expectations of Him and his hope in Him. Let us ponder over his advice to his children to shun despair and to fill their hearts with hope and good expectations of Allah The Almighty in the verse (which means): {O my sons, go and find out about Yoosuf and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah. Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people."} [Quran 12:87]
When Ya‘qoob, may Allaah exalt his mention, received the glad tidings that his son was found alive and unharmed, then he, may Allaah exalt his mention, said some words that Allah The Almighty mentioned in the Quran (what means): {He said, “Did I not tell you that I know from Allah that which you do not know?”} [Quran 12:96]
It is a great hope in Allah The Almighty. Allah The Almighty rewarded Ya‘qoob, may Allaah exalt his mention, for it in this worldly life by reuniting him with his beloved son, restoring his sight, removing hatred from the hearts of some of his children towards others, and raising his rank in this worldly life due to the esteem of Yoosuf, may Allaah exalt his mention. However, the reward of the Hereafter is greater and more enduring.
We are in dire need to have hope like that of Ya‘qoob, may Allaah exalt his mention, during these blessed nights of hope.

Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric whips up hate

At a campaign rally in New Hampshire Wednesday night, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump declined to correct a supporter who declared that “Muslims” are “a problem in this country” and urged the candidate to “get rid of ‘em.”
Voicing the beliefs of nearly half of U.S. Republicans, the speaker also claimed that President Obama is a Muslim — another point Trump allowed to stand as he promised to “look at” the issue.
Civil rights groups in the area now say they are deeply concerned that such a high profile figure like Trump condoning hate speech against Muslims will escalate.
“Anti-Muslim rhetoric isn’t just ugly, it’s dangerous. It is almost always followed by an uptick in anti-Muslim hate crimes and violence,” said Farhana Khera, a member of the organization Muslim Advocates. The organization is demanding Trump clarify his comments and publicly answer whether he believes the country needs to “get rid of” Muslims.
"We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American," the man said.
Trump did not interrupt the man or challenge his contention in any way.
The billionaire developer's rise to the top of the Republican field in the race for a November 2016 presidential nominee has been impervious to the various controversies that erupt around him almost daily.
Whether this latest episode would prove to be an important turning point for Trump was yet to be seen.
At least one Republican rival, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, said Trump had crossed a line, creating a "defining moment" for his candidacy.
“If I were Donald Trump, I would go on national television and say 'I handled it poorly and if I had to do it all over again, I would challenge his question,'" Graham said on MSNBC. "It's OK to apologize."
Trump in 2011 triggered a controversy by demanding that Obama show evidence that he was born in the United States. The Democratic president produced a longer form of his birth certificate that made clear he was born in Hawaii, not Kenya, as some of his critics have contended.
Obama is a Christian who as president has attended church occasionally.
"Is anybody really surprised that this happened at a Donald Trump rally?" White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters when asked about the latest Trump controversy.
He said "the people who hold these offensive views are part of Mr. Trump's base" and that Trump had shown "a willingness to countenance the offensive views of one member of his audience."
Trump canceled a campaign event scheduled for Friday in South Carolina, saying he had an important business transaction to attend to.
Trump's reaction contrasted with how 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain dealt with a woman who called Obama an Arab at a McCain campaign event. McCain immediately stopped the woman and called Obama a decent family man with whom he has policy differences.
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both sharply criticized Trump on Friday.
"He knew or he should have known that what that man was asking was not only way out of bounds, it was untrue, and he should have, from the beginning, repudiated that kind of rhetoric, that level of hatefulness of a questioner in an audience that he was appearing before," Clinton told reporters in Durham, New Hampshire.
US Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump

Hungarian Muslims open doors for refugees

Reflecting less than 1 percent of the population of Hungary being Muslim, the hostility towards minorities has flared in the wake of recent refugee arrivals, streaming in escaping war from the Middle East and Africa, according to a report in the The
Washington Post.
And with the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, opening declaring that he refused to accept newcomers by ordering the army to construct a fence because “we do not want a large number of Muslims in our country.” has made a difficult situation even more so impossible.
In desperation many refugees have tried to push through a new razor-wire fence at the Hungary-Serbia border, officers attacked them back with tear gas and water cannons.
“Go back to your country” has become a familiar phrase to Muslims shopping in stores. Billboards have sprung up along rural roads reading, “If you come to Hungary, you have to respect our culture.”
A leader in Netherlands went too far by warning of an “Islamic invasion.”
The rising islamophobia has been responded to with many Hungarian Muslims providing aid to asylum seekers by donating food and drinks to hundreds of people camped out at Budapest’s Keleti rail station. Translation services, blankets and tents have also been provided for.
Hate Maximizes
Facing increasing tensions and frustration, many Hungarian Muslims are working to show their people the true face of Islam, of sharing and giving, steering people away from the politics.
“The Hungarians are good people, but the politics have gotten bad,” said Josef Elhindy, a brain surgeon from Jordan, as he helped deliver medical supplies to refugees at the Keleti station.
“We have to show them who we are.”
At the Islamic Center, the largest of Budapest’s four mosques, many non-Muslim citizens come to ask questions.
“Mostly, [non-Muslims] come because they have questions,” said Sultan Sulok, president of the Organization of Muslims in Hungary.
The typical questions are: “Why does your religion not respect women?” and “Do you know any terrorists?”
Recalling attacks facing the center over the past years, Sulok fears the future might bring in more hostilities.
“We are worried about the future,” said Sulok, a native Hungarian who converted to Islam.
Estimated at 40,000, Muslims are a small minority in this nation of 10 million people.
Hungarian police officers guard as refugees wait to board a train at railway station at the Serbia-Hungary border town of Zakany, Hungary, 20 September 2015.
Source: Worldbulletin

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